Thursday 11 December 2008

Painting Blog: Lady Aiyana

Wow, this was a total pain. The bottom half of Aiyana was great to paint, as was the cloak, though I feel I should go back and do some freehand once I have a design I like. Everything from her breasts up was a nightmare, it's just too crowded with crap that gets in the way of everything else. I've seen Chris Walton's concept sketches for Aiyana and one of the poses there would have been AMAZING to paint, but no, they used the crap pose.

I'm not happy with how Lady Aiyana turned out, she's nowhere near Magnus the Traitor or Dougal MacNaile in terms of painting quality. I just don't have it in me to dunk her in the paint stripper and start again. Perhaps when I've finished my mercenaries I'll go back and do all the things I've missed or want to restart...

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